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Selection-ProcessThe intervention begins with a selection process during which those who are more entrepreneurially inclined and willing to commit themselves to this training process are selected over those who are primarily job-seeker or simply opportunists. This selection process begins with recruitment where those interested are given an opportunity to fill out an application and come for a personal interview. During the personal interview applicants are asked a series of questions and then given a problem to solve. They also have to produce the necessary amount of money (usually the equivalent of $5-$10 US) for the money making activity they will be involved with if they are selected for the training. This money is returned to them if they are not selected.

The pre-training and post-training surveys are data that is collected from the participants at the beginning of the training and then again at the end of the follow up activities. This serves as a tool to measure the results of their participation in the training.

CourseThe course consists of a 4 week intervention, during which a unique combination theory and practice is employed. Business concepts learned in the classroom are applied directly in the community in which the learner will run his/her business thereby reinforcing the acquisition of practical business skills. Fieldwork includes researching business opportunities and choosing the opportunity which best suits the learner’s skills, interest and abilities. The profitability and sustainability of the new business is analysed, the most suitable marketing and management strategy is selected and the new business is started. Ways to grow the new venture are explored and a business plan and record keeping systems are compiled and implemented.

To ensure commitment of the learners, each participant brings the equivalent of $10 to be used to make more money during the learning exercise. Experience and success enhances the learner’s self-esteem and confidence. The money made on the course also provides “seed capital” for the new business.

CertificatesEach participant has the opportunity to earn two certificates. The first is the Certificate of Completion awarded to those who attended the training regularly and completed the homework assignments to the satisfaction of the trainers. The second is the Certificate of Competence. This is awarded during the follow up process to those who have successfully implemented in their business the skills learned on the course.

Follow-upThe follow up section, crucial to ongoing learner success, commences immediately after the initial month of training for a further 12 months, when each learner is personally visited 5 times in their own business by one of the trainers. It is during these one-on-one sessions that the new business owners receive helpful business mentoring. The trainer will help them to implement the skills learned on the training, as well as help them to face the inevitable challenges that arise during the running of their businesses.

Board-GameFive months after the completion of the course each course graduate participates in a financial understanding board game exercise developed especially to help them practically integrate the skills and thinking acquired on the course into their business practices. The Financial Understanding Board Game was designed to train the learners practically how to manage their business finances and their working capital, to make good financial decisions, to work through problems, to manage their cash flow, to manage their stock levels, and to keep accurate records.